Consultation for Professionals
Individual, In-Service Training, Guest Lecture
A variety of professional individuals and organizations work with me in consultation. I have provided consultation services for nearly two decades, have taught in academic programs and clinical training environments across fifteen years, and provided clinical supervision for twelve years.
With individuals, consultations vary dependent upon profession but always involve gaining a helpful psychological perspective. Individual consultations may focus on the populations you serve, the work environment and its dynamics, clarifying strategies for reaching your goals within programs, cases, and institutions, as well as optimizing your effectiveness at work.
Various organizations and groups engage with me for in-service training or guest lecturing covering areas of my expertise which include:
psychological dynamics between you and clients, in groups, at work
single incident and complex trauma
psychological impact of physical injury, medical illness, medical treatments, and acquired disability
working with chronic pain, chronic and terminal illness
impact of client suicide on providers, and recovery for clinician-survivors and programs
vicarious traumatization and recovery
transformative experiences and their integration
working with grief, complex grief, and traumatic grief
psychotherapy with near-death experiences and associated expansion of consciousness experiences
psychophysiological education, conceptualization, intervention
integrative conceptualization, intervention (psychoanalytic-IFS-psychophysiological-transpersonal)
spiritual competency, assessment, and interventions
humility-informed mental health care
trauma-informed care for settings outside of mental health
Fees are variable given the variety of professional settings and possible services, and may be flat per project, or per consultation or per hour.